Interview DesK

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#Given a set of 2D points, some integer k, find the k points closest to the origin, (0,0).

#How will you describe iOS manual memory management for a new developer in few words?

#Write a program to print the powerset.
E.g. given this set {1,2,3}, it will print {},{1},{2},{3},{1,2},{1,3}, {2,3}, {1,2,3}

#Convert a string of Roman numerals to an integer in O(n) time

#Given a list of integer numbers, a list of symbols [+,-,*,/] and a target number N, provide an expression which evaluates to N or return False if that is not possible.
e.g. let the list of numbers be [1,5,5] and the target number is 9, one possible solution could be 5+5-1.

#Given an expression (in single variable) like 4x+13(x-(4x+x/3)) = 9, evaluate x
The expression is a string and the variable is always x.

#Given a hashmap M which is a mapping of characters to arrays of substitute characters, and an input string S, return an array of all possible mutations of S (where any character in S can be substituted with one of its substitutes in M, if it exists).
What is the time complexity? What is the space complexity? Can you optimize either?
Example input:
M = { f: [F, 4], b: [B, 8] }
S = fab

Expected output:
[fab, Fab, 4ab, faB, FaB, 4aB, fa8, Fa8, 4a8]

##Brain storming:
1) How does facebook implement graph search
2) How does facebook chat work
3) How does fb store likes/dislikes ?
4) How do u implement status updates ?
5) How do u implement timeline/newsfeed ?
6) What exactly happens when you add someone as your friend ?
7) Explain more about hadoop and how it is used ?
8) How do fb messages work ?
9) How does fb mail work ?


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